The job market has been hot, hot, hot thus far in 2017. Most reports indicate there has been a lack of qualified candidates for many of the job openings that have come available. With all these job openings coming up, it’s important to pay attention to how they are being filled.
Today, we’ve compiled a list of the most successfully ways companies are hiring new talent.
Employee Referrals
There is no better way to land your dream job than through an employee referral. This is where building your network and having connections can make all the difference. Attend networking events, build your LinkedIn profile & connections, and simply keep in touch with old friends. If you have a job or company in mind, strategically begin to network with key decision makers or hiring managers.
Indeed has grown into the largest and most complete resource for available positions. However, don’t get so caught up in daily postings and disregard networking (point #1). You can use Indeed to set alerts to job hunt more effectively and not get burnt out.
Internal Openings
If you like the company you’re currently working in but looking for opportunity to grow, never underestimate the opportunity to land a successful position internally. You’ve already got your foot in the door and from the companies perspective they’ve already done your onboarding. You immediately have a leg up on the competition.
Recruiter Sourced
With the lack of qualified candidates for many job openings, companies are turning to recruiters to bring in top tier talent. Recruiter sourced jobs have grown considerably over the past two years. Ensure your LinkedIn profile is up to date and attend networking events where you would have the opportunity to personally connect with recruiters. Recruiters look at a lot of candidates every day, make sure you stand out.
Company Website
If you’ve done your research and know where you want to be employed, it’s time to go directly to the source, the companies employment website or page. The first step is setting alerts if possible. This will allow you to be immediately contacted if a position openings up. If this is not an available feature, setup a recurring event on your calendar or phone, reminding yourself to check the job board on a weekly basis for new opportunity.
LinkedIn & Personal Website
Let’s save the best for last! Once you’ve established a LinkedIn profile & connections, you will likely begin to see job postings directly within your feed. Be proactive and reach out to the poster. Make sure you’ve created a Two Way Resume personal website & portfolio and send them a direct link to your personal website.